Bassem Adel Gaber & Co
Certified Public Accountants
Want to implement Audit or Accounting software?
Gaber & Co is the representative of Laurel Wreath Jordan to promote its software products in Egypt. We help to implement:
Audit Software (Advance Smart Audit).
Accounting Software (Active Accounting Software) - coming soon.
Contact us for more details.
Advance Smart Audit (ASA)
Your trusted audit software
In partnership with
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ASA System
Advance Smart Audit System (ASA) is the first auditing software in Arabic language which contains many features and characteristics that facilitate the audit process, increase the efficiency of auditors role, and enable them to over come the problems that exist in the market such as:
Most of Auditing Firms ( SMEs ) are still applying traditional methods of work ( manually), and that will not enable them to compete with big firms in the market .
Most of the (SMEs) are facing trouble dealing with the English language , and most of the software available in the market are in English
Through our observation for the problems we have designed a program that contains all the necessary information for auditing in Arabic Language and Formats, which contributes in raising the efficiency for (SMEs), and enable them to compete with bid auditing firms in terms of performing their auditing task professionally in less time and effort of which in turn reduces the cost of the auditing process and enhance work accuracy .
ASA System characteristics
Works with all kinds of databases (MySql, SqlServer Oracle DB)
Web application , and can be used individually for each device and a multi-user within the internal network
Works through Windows operating system
Interfaces application in Arabic and all content in Arabic
ontain a reference program ( numbering ) for all documents and audit process
The possibility of downloading documents (Excel, word, PDF, PowerPoint) on the program
Easy to use
ASA System contents
Main screen ( Customer List)
This screen contains a list of customers or companies that deal with audit office so you open a file audit period or fiscal year under the name of the same company that includes all the necessary documents for the audit process with the possibility of amending the name future additions and new files when needed
Audit File :
When access to the audit file your period or fiscal year was added to a number of documents and forms required for the audit process as follows :
And is the first stage in the process of scrutiny and has been the inclusion of a number of documents necessary for the completion of the planning process , according to international auditing standards are: Model Vhmtabieh client , a form accepting a new client , model the continuity of the client, the model designation letter , model calculation of material , model Memorandum of planning scrutiny , model estimation of working hours , and financial analysis model.
This includes the necessary reports obtained from the client and issued by the Audit Office for the client, such as Form Book Notes administration , Reviews Review file audit , a draft model financial statements , trial balance , restriction modification , sample memo on the audit process , and follow-up model endorsements .
And trial balance includes many of the features and characteristics where you can download the trial balance , which is obtained from the client form Excel sheet directly on the form marked within the program and then start the classification of accounts to the form in which the auditor wants rating leaves his building , where it was added to the list of specific groups and details of accounts within the trial balance to facilitate the auditor classification process with the possibility of adding the accounts of New them , and also includes property introducing restrictions amendment proposed , which in turn is reflected directly on the working papers , as well as compared to four years earlier in order to help in the process of financial analysis and calculation of ratios Finance , after which it is creating worksheets that are created through trial balance within its own reference .
Audit Documentation :
And contains models of things important and which must be obtained during the audit process , such as: model summarized minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors or Board of Directors , a form summarizing the meetings of the Audit Committee , a form summarizing the internal audit reports , model summarized report tax consultant , model summarizing the report of the Legal Counsel, Book and model representation .
Control tests :
Contains many of the models for testing the efficiency of the internal control procedures at the client such as : Model test control procedures , sample memorandum of subsequent events , model Memorandum of continuity , model Memorandum of independence and lack of conflicts of interest.
working papers :
And are created through the trial balance and include the account number , account name, the initial balance , adjustments , balance after the adjustment , check the reference, check the notes , no comparison to last year , the difference , and the percentage difference.